This is my son, and his arm. Yesterday he fell off of the monkey bars at school. He was crying and in a lot of pain. I took him to the doctor and as the doctor was looking at his arm, moving his hand up, down and then side to side he says "that doesn't hurt." I start thinking " oh great, I've brought him in and nothing is wrong" As we sat outside the x-ray I am thinking how I really must be a horrible mother, because I am "hoping that his arm is really broken and that I didn't spend all this money for nothing" I know there must be something wrong with me. Okay, I really didn't want his arm to be broken, because I certainly don't want him to be hurting. (but if he's making such a fuss over this and it's not....). Well, as you can see, it was really broken, not too bad and should heal well.
It's been a big week for him. He also lost one of his front teeth. He also was entered into a local art contest by his art teacher. They only picked a couple kids from each school. They were giving away scholarships. He didn't win, but I thought it was an honor just to be chosen. This is a scorpion. (He is in 1st grade)